The use of Taser-type stun guns by the São Paulo Military Police grew 25% in the first month under the Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) government. In absolute numbers, military police officers used the neuromuscular incapacitation tool in 60 occurrences in January. In the same period last year, less lethal pistols were used 48 times. The growth in the use of stun guns is pointed out by members of the corporation as one of the reasons why the state was able to maintain police lethality at the same levels as at the beginning of last year. According to them, each time a PM uses a stun gun is, in theory, one less death to be counted in the statistics.
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Deaths from police intervention
In January 2022, still under the João Doria administration (then in the PSDB), 23 deaths resulting from police intervention were recorded, a reduction of 57% compared to the 53 deaths recorded in the previous year. According to data, in January 2023, Tarcísio’s first month at the head of Palácio dos Bandeirantes, the PM recorded the same number of 23 deaths of suspects in clashes. The number remained stable even with an increase in the number of armed clashes in January of this year. There were 66 records, against 61 in the same period this year (8.2% increase).
Our Analysis:
Public safety specialists consider the growth in the use of less lethal weapons a positive factor for the corporation. The numbers are a good indication that the São Paulo Military Police is assimilating techniques for the progressive use of force in police incidents. The more intensive use of the taser means giving up quick and preliminary use of the firearm, which is a good sign. The Executive Director of the Sou da Paz Institute also pointed out the equipment as a likely ally in reducing deaths. For her, it is important and positive that there is investment in the taser, as long as it is accompanied by a reduction in the use of lethal force.