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The Tourist Assistance Police Station (Deatur), dedicated to The Town — a music festival that endded on Sunday (10/09) — recorded 30 incidents of theft during the five days of the festival, according to the Public Security Secretariat of São Paulo. Among the thefts, 19 were cell phones. The number of incidents of theft and robbery in and around the festival may, however, be higher. This is because potential victims can decide to file a police report at any police station, not necessarily at the mobile unit close to the event. During the event, there was also the record of a scam and a life endangerment. In addition, there were also actions and blitzes by the Military Police at 153 points on roads in the vicinity and on the way to the racetrack, and 240 approaches were carried out. In total, 46 stolen vehicles were recovered. The Civil Police also seized 74 cell phones that were stolen during the festival.

07/09/2023 – An elderly man is in serious condition after reacting to an attempted robbery on Rua Jornalista José Leite Pinto, in the Campo Limpo neighborhood, South Zone. According to police, the 71-year-old victim was approached by a robber on a motorcycle. The man then reacted and hit the criminal with a broom. The criminal shot the victim three times and fled.

07/09/2023 – A businessman was beaten during the robbery of a chocolate store on Rua Padre Adelino, in the Belém neighborhood, East Zone. In the security camera images, it is possible to see when the criminal enters the store and announces the robbery. Afterwards, the franchise owner leaves the counter and tries to escape the robber, who retaliates with punches and kicks. The robber drags the merchant’s body and starts taking items from the store. In addition to the attacks, the victim suffered financial losses.

08/09/2023 – A woman was arrested with a brick of crack on Rua do Triunfo, in the Santa Cecília neighborhood, downtown São Paulo. According to the Metropolitan Civil Guard (GCM), agents were in the region when they found the criminal’s movement strange, as she entered and left a hotel quite frequently. When they approached the woman, a brick of crack was found, estimated to weigh half a kilo.

10/09/2023 – A man was arrested after fleeing from the Military Police and calling the corporation stating that his motorcycle had been stolen, in the North Zone. According to the Military Police (PM), officers were on patrol when they saw the man driving without a helmet and ordered him to stop. Afraid of being fined, he tried to flee by abandoning the motorcycle. Afterwards, he called the police stating that his motorcycle had been stolen. He was located and confessed to the crime.

10/09/2023 – Two men were arrested after raping a teenager in the Anhanguera neighborhood, North Zone. According to the Military Police, the criminals had drugged the young woman to commit the crime. The victim, aged 14, went to a baile funk in the early hours of the morning. As she left the party, she was approached by two men, of legal age, who asked her to go to a residence. There, the criminals gave alcoholic drinks, drugged the minor and raped her. After the crime, the abusers released the victim, who called the Military Police.

12/09/2023 – A criminal was recorded by security cameras stealing car batteries in downtown São Paulo. In the footage it is possible to see the man opening the hoods of several cars, taking the batteries, and escaping calmly. This is the fourth time that the same criminal has committed this crime in the same location.

14/09/2023 – The house where the current Finance Minister, Fernando Haddad (PT), lives was targeted by robbers in the Indianópolis neighborhood, South Zone. The minister stated that the criminals broke down the gate but were unable to enter and fled. Haddad and his daughter were in the property at the time. So far, no one has been arrested. According to Haddad, the attempted robbery occurred around 05:00. When an employee arrived at work, she noticed that the gate had been broken into. The minister went to check the security camera recordings and discovered that a motorcycle stopped at the door of the house at around 03:00. A person came down and broke down the gate with some tool. Then a car arrived, and four armed men got out. They passed through the gate but did not invade the residence and left.

14/09/2022 – The Civil Police and the Metropolitan Civil Guard (GCM) carried out an operation in Cracolândia, around Rua dos Gusmões, in downtown São Paulo. The targets were criminals identified as drug traffickers in the area. The GCM works to contain drug users, to avoid possible confrontations. There were also fights between drug users.

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