According to the 16th Brazilian Yearbook of Public Security released on Tuesday (28/06), by the Brazilian Forum on Public Security, in the state of Sao Paulo the deaths caused by police officers on duty and off duty showed a decrease of approximately 30%. Indeed, numbers show that in 2020, 814 cases were listed while in 2021, they were 570. The state rate fell from 1,8 to 1,2 cases for every group of 100 thousand inhabitants, which is below the national average, 2,9. This reduction is attribute to the public policies adopted, such as the control programs. The implementation of body cameras in the uniforms of military police officers is one of these measures. Furthermore, the state invested in non-lethal weapons. Indeed, Sao Paulo has already around 7,5 thousand neuromuscular incapacitation weapons, which makes it the third largest police force in the world to use this type of equipment – behind the police forces of New York (USA) and London (UK).
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25/06/2022 – A couple of residents was robbed when trying to enter the condominium in Vila Mascote, in the South Zone of Sao Paulo. Two armed criminals approached the couple in the early morning and took all their belongings before they managed to get in.
Our analysis:
When going back home, it is important to avoid taking too long to enter your house. Indeed, outside, you are more easily at the mercy of criminals, who might take advantage of your distraction when trying to find your keys for instance, or discussing with a neighbor, to attack you. Try to have you key ready in your hands to get enter home quickly, and only when inside, take your time to discuss or look at your phone.
27/06/2022 – The Civil Police conducted an operation on Monday morning (27) to fulfill warrants in investigations into the death of four young people executed by a criminal court – a kind of decision-making body created by criminal organizations to apply sentences to those accused of crimes. The bodies were located on May 20th on the border between São Paulo and Ferraz de Vasconcelos. It is assumed that the victims had reunited with four girls who accused them of rape to a drug trafficking boss.
27/06/2022 – Criminals surrounded a family and stole their car in broad daylight in the Jabaquara region, in the Central Zone of Sao Paulo. The mother managed to remove her daughter who was inside, in the back seat.
27/06/2022 – A man was shot dead in his luxury car in Jadrim Apuana, in Tremembé, in the North Zone of Sao Paulo, around 15h. The victim was hit by at least 6 shots. Police believes this was an execution rather than a robbery attempt.
28/60/2022 – A woman was kidnapped and held hostage for more than two hours by armed bandits in Campo Belo, in the South Zone of Sao Paulo. The criminal hid behind a tree to make his move.
28/06/2022 – Two women were surrendered and kidnapped on a dead-end street by two criminals in the Interlagos region, in the South Zone of Sao Paulo. Police officers arrested later a member of the PIX gang that operated in the same region.
28/06/2022 – A couple was approached by at least six bandits in front of the building where they live in Vila Mascote, in the South Zone of Sao Paulo. The victims tried to flee but the criminals managed to block them and to steal the couple’s belonging.
28/06/2022 – The police arrested a man suspected of supplying and trafficking drugs for two decades in Cracolândia. According to the police, the 42-year-old man was also appointed as the financial manager of the criminal faction that controls drug sales in the region.
28/06/2022 – A student claimed to have been assaulted by a security guard at Santana Parque Shopping, North Zone. According to him, the security guard punched him in the face, broke his nose and also kicked him. The reason was that the boy’s friends had thrown a dart from a toy gun at a store manager and then shut down the mall’s two-story escalators while being chased by security.
Our analysis:
Force should only be used when necessary. When the situation is complicated, such as in the example above, with minors in a group, requesting support to show superior manpower is important. However, guards must still follow the escalation and de-escalation continuum, then make themselves present to the threats and employ techniques of verbal de-escalation before considering the use of force. When force is used, it will be necessary to justify its use. The professional will have to explain that the use of force was necessary and reasonable. In addition, the professional must think about his own protection and of the others around him. Finally, any unjustified use of force can bring legal consequences for the protection professional, its employer and contractors. Therefore, guards must be well trained and be familiar with local laws and work policies/procedures.
29/06/2022 – A security guard exchanged fire with suspects of robbing a store in Shopping Aricanduva, located in the east side of São Paulo, around 11h50. Despite the shots, no one was injured, and the suspects managed to escape.
30/06/2022 – A body was found in the vicinity of the Tiête bus terminal, in the Santana neighborhood, in Av. Cruzeiro do Sul, in the North Zone of Sao Paulo, in the early morning. The police suspects that the victim was a homeless person, but the case will be investigated.