02/04/2023 – A young man was stabbed with a knife on the way out of a university party, on Rua Líbero Badaró, in Vale do Anhangabaú, downtown São Paulo. Upon leaving the event, the university student was robbed and stabbed by homeless people who were hanging around the fences surrounding the venue. He was hit in the chest area, one of the biceps and one forearm and is recovering in hospital.
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03/04/2023 – A shooting ended with five people shot inside the Paraisópolis favela, South Zone. According to the Military Police, police officers were patrolling in the region of Avenida Hebe Camargo when they saw a robbery. They tried an approach, but the two criminals, on a motorcycle, made mention of shooting and were shot. Further ahead, another man saw the presence of police and started shooting, which provoked the reaction of the police.
04/04/2023 – The Military Police (PM) managed to arrest criminals who robbed a mansion in the Pinheiros neighborhood, West Zone. In the residence were a newborn child and family employees. The father saw everything through the cell phone app and warned the police that managed to arrest the criminals when they were leaving the residence.
05/04/2023 – A woman was robbed inside her vehicle in the Morumbi neighborhood, South Zone. The criminal threatened the driver, entered the car through the window and stole her purse. The scene was recorded by another driver who was in the vehicle next door.
07/04/2023 – The home of comedian Wellington Muniz, known as Ceará, and his wife, model Mirella Santos, was invaded and robbed by three criminals during the Easter holiday. The thieves took valuables from the house, such as designer handbags, watches, and family jewelry. In one of the videos captured by the security camera located in the garage, the safe also appears to be being carried by them.
09/04/2023 – A Spanish woman was robbed inside a taxi near the Armenian subway station, in downtown São Paulo. The tourist was making only one connection in Brazil and decided to visit the historic center. She was photographing Praça da Sé when an officer from the Municipal Civil Guard warned her that that part of the city was not safe and decided to call her taxi. The tourist got into a taxi but was surprised by at least three people who broke the vehicle’s glass and grabbed the victim’s purse.
10/04/2023 – An elderly man was robbed while passing through Cracolândia, downtown São Paulo. The robbery was filmed by a reporter from Rede Record, in the images it is possible to see a young man approaching the elderly who still try to defend himself but is unable to do so. The criminal steals his cell phone and leaves quietly.
11/04/2023 – Mother and son were killed inside a car on Rua Veratro, in Parque São Lucas, East Zone. The woman was 52 years old and the man, 28. According to witnesses, two men on a motorcycle approached and shot at least 10 times at the victims. When officers arrived at the scene, they found the woman already dead. The boy was taken care by firefighters, but he couldn’t resist. The main hypothesis is execution, since none of their belongings were taken.
12/04/2023 – A truck driver was kidnapped and spent almost two days in captivity. The victim was close to the company where he was going to load his truck in Jaguaré, West Zone, when he was approached by two criminals. The truck driver was taken to captivity in the region of Parada de Taipas, North Zone where three criminals made several bank transfers via Pix, and it was through this data that the police reached captivity.
14/04/2023 – A 32-year-old woman was attacked by two criminals during an attempted robbery in the Jardim Arpoador neighborhood, West Zone. The victim is studying nursing and was returning home when she was surprised by the duo. Security camera footage shows the woman walking with her backpack in front of her body, when she notices the approach of the men, who are wearing sweatshirts and caps. She tries to run but is overtaken. The criminals then violently throw her to the ground, and the victim rolls onto the sidewalk. Then they try to pull her backpack, dragging her down the street, but she holds the bag and does not give up. Faced with the victim’s resistance, they attack her, including punching her in the nose, and flee the scene.
15/04/2023 – Three criminals used hostages as human shields during a shooting in front of a beauty salon on Rua Sócrates, in the Campo Grande neighborhood, South Zone. According to the Military Police (PM), the trio invaded and robbed the establishment and, on the way out, they were surprised by teams from the PM and the Metropolitan Civil Guard (GCM) that surrounded the place. In the parking lot, the criminals took at least three women hostages. They then started a shooting with the security agents – at which point the women managed to get away. Then, the trio split into two motorcycles and fled the scene, while shooting towards the police.
16/04/2023 – A man was attacked by a group of five people in the Campos Elísios neighborhood, downtown São Paulo. Footage from security cameras shows that the gang left the victim only in his underwear and socks. The images show the man walking hugging a woman and the moment he is surprised with a choke and dragged to the ground. Then four people rip off all the victim’s clothes. A fifth boy also arrives to rob the man, while the woman who was with him just watches. After criminals take his clothes, his backpack and even his hat, the victim walks out in just underwear and socks.
18/04/2023 – A gang of eight men invaded a luxury condominium on Rua Humberto I, in Vila Mariana, South Zone, and stole several cell phones. According to the Military Police, criminals arrived at the building in three vehicles and started stealing cell phones. The group managed to flee and has not yet been arrested. So far, there is no information on the financial loss or how many people were robbed.
22/04/2023 – A 46-year-old private security agent was shot during an attempted robbery on Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, in the Itaim Bibi neighborhood, West Zone. According to the Secretariat of Public Security, the victim was escorting a vehicle, when a car stopped at a traffic light and the criminals disembarked. The criminal announced the robbery and tried to take the security agent’s motorcycle, who reacted. The bandit then fired several shots at the victim, who was hit in the head.
23/04/2023 – A night guard was murdered on Avenida Professor Fonseca Rodrigues in Alto de Pinheiros, West Zone. According to police, criminals knocked on the gate of the construction site where the victim worked, he opened it and was surrendered and beaten to death. Afterwards, they stole a wheelbarrow with tools, which was abandoned on the other side of the street because it was too heavy and made it difficult to escape. The victim’s cell phone was also taken by the criminals.
23/04/2023 – An electronics store was invaded and robbed in the Santa Ifigênia neighborhood, in downtown São Paulo, near Cracolândia. The shopkeeper said that the store iron door was broken into and that between seven and ten people entered the store and stole everything they found. Videos recorded by the establishment owner show the moment when Metropolitan Civil Guard (GCM) officers found part of the stolen electronics inside a manhole under blankets that belong to drug addicts.
25/04/2023 – Criminals invaded and robbed the apartment of Doctor Jorge Kalil, former manager of the Corinthians football team, in the Moema neighborhood, South Zone. The damage was R$ 500,000 in money, jewelry, and watches. According to the police, the gang rented an apartment in the same luxury building and waited for the victim to leave before breaking into and robbing the apartment.
27/04/2023 – A psychologist was shot dead during an attempted robbery on Rua Anjo Custódio, in Vila Formosa, East Zone. The 52-year-old victim was in a luxury car. Security camera footage shows that she entered a street and stopped to answer her cell phone. That’s when two criminals arrived and tried to get her out of the driver’s seat. The second criminal, who approached through the passenger door, fired, and hit the psychologist. The pair fled without taking anything.
- Stay away from any protest most likely to occur in the city center, including Avenida Paulista, the MASP, Praça do Ciclista, Praça da Sé, Largo da Batata and Praça da Republica.
- Monitor the local media in order to circumvent protest locations, including social media.
- If caught in a demonstration: remain still and take the time to see which way the crowd is going; attempt to leave the area by going against the movement of the crowd; avoid using your mobile phone, taking pictures or filming the demonstration; go to the nearest building as soon as possible and wait until the situation clears; try to avoid contact with security forces if possible.
- Considering the high crime rate in São Paulo, business travelers and expatriates should comply with safety rules in order to reduce the risk linked to violent crime. In case of an assault, it is strictly recommended not to resist the attackers and avoid making any sharp movement that may irritate the assailants, who do not hesitate to open fire.
- Avoid, if possible, circulating through the neighborhoods in the East Zone due to the high rates of various crimes.
- Pay attention when trying to meet new people on the internet as criminals use the dating app and social networks to apply scams.
- Due to several police operations, drug users previously concentrated in a region called “Cracolândia” have spread across downtown, leading to an increase in petty crimes. Hence, avoid walking around with your cell phone in your hand, in addition to wearing jewels and expensive watches.
- The number of express kidnappings has increased lately due to a new method (PIX) that allows people to easily transfer money using bank apps. Cooperate in order to mitigate the risk of violence.
- Attention to the windows when inside a vehicle. Keep them closed, as criminals use heavy traffic to rob passengers that expose valuables.
- Keep in mind useful numbers: Emergency police number (190), and São Paulo tourist Police (+55 11 3120 4447).