06/10/2023 – Three men who are part of the Stone Gang were arrested after a woman who had her cell phone stolen on Avenida do Estado, in Mooca, East Zone, chased them. She also activated the Metropolitan Civil Guard (GCM). According to one victim, she and two other women were in the car, with part of the window open, when they were approached. The criminals took the cell phone that was affixed to the dashboard of the car and then fled.
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06/09/2023 – A group of people, who claim to be victims of a pyramid scheme, started a disturbance in front of a luxury hotel in the Ibirapuera region, South Zone, when confronting the supposed organizer, who was staying there. Images show that the suspect fled in a helicopter. The police are now investigating three men, aged 28, 31 and 66, accused of scam. According to information, the police reported that around 200 people claim to have been victims of the financial scam.
08/10/2023 – A passenger was attacked and robbed by a couple of robbers at the Armenia station on Metro line 1-Blue. The case took place on Rua Pedro Vicente, in the Luz neighborhood, in São Paulo historic center. A video recorded by another passenger shows the action. The victim is lying on the ground and is immobilized by a man while a woman tries to take her belongings from their pockets. During the entire action, no security guard is around.
09/10/2023 – A fake taxi driver, suspected of scamming, was arrested when approached by Military Police (PM) teams in Itaim Bibi, South Zone. Police teams were on patrol when they spotted a driver in front of a taxi rank. The military consulted the license plate of the vehicle with taxi identification and found that the car was not registered to transport passengers. When questioned, the suspect reported that he did not work as a taxi driver and confessed that he scammed race customers, seeking them out at parties in the region.
09/10/2023 – An elderly man led a mass robbery on a snack bar in the central region of São Paulo. The elderly man led the gang that still had three more criminals. Together they took at least 20 cell phones and personal belongings of employees and customers, as well as money from the cafeteria’s cash register.
09/10/2023 – In a week, two offices of PT parliamentarians were invaded and vandalized in Greater São Paulo. The most recent case happened on Monday (09/10), when, upon arriving to work, employees of state deputy Emidio de Souza (PT) found the place, located in Osasco, broken into and ransacked. A week earlier, on 2 October, the target of the attack was the office of federal deputy Alencar Santana (PT) in Guarulhos. The invasion was detected when the PT parliamentarian arrived, who was faced with broken windows and graffiti against the party.
10/10/2023 – The Civil Police carried out an operation in Cracolândia, in downtown São Paulo. 30 people were arrested for drug trafficking or because they were already wanted by the courts. According to the Public Security Secretariat, the action inspected hotels used to hide drugs and sought to identify drug dealers who operate in the flow of users – the place where sales and use take place.
10/10/2022 – A technician from a security company had his motorcycle taken by criminals in the region of Perdizes, West Zone. The first criminal parked next to the victim’s motorcycle and his role was to break the safety lock and start the motorcycle. A second criminal arrived and was responsible for covering the crime. When the vehicle was ready to be stolen, another criminal appeared to be the getaway pilot. No one noticed the trio’s action.
11/10/2022 – A condominium in the Pirituba neighborhood, north zone, was robbed by five criminals. The bicycle gang arrived by breaking the garage door lock to steal bicycles. However, when they entered the garage, they saw a luxury car and decided to take the vehicle too.
11/10/2022 – The Civil Police located and dismantled a telephone switchboard dedicated scam in the Sé neighborhood, historic center of São Paulo. 17 people involved in the crime were arrested. By the time officers arrived at the scene, the scam central was fully operational. The women were organized and divided into roles with the aim of attracting more victims, negotiating with those who had already been co-opted and carrying out abusive charges. Only one of the victims suffered a loss of R$34,000.