04/06/2022 – The Municipal Civil Guard of Santos arrested a man after breaking into and stealing from a commercial establishment at Av. Ana Costa, 43, in Vila Mathias. The patrol was called around 11h30 by the owner, who saw the criminals getting into his establishment
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04/06/2022 – A young man declared he was victim of a scam when trying to buy his first car on April the 4th in Embaré. The salesperson asked for his personal information and photographed his face to see what a possible financing with the bank would look like. Later, the victim discovered that this financing had already been closed without his authorization. He keeps on calling the bank, still today, to cancel the payment, but does not manage to get what he wants.
Our analysis:
In the case mentioned above, it is important to keep in mind that the client is the only person supposed to contact his own bank to see what is possible to do regarding bank financing. The criminal here used a very unusual procedure: car sellers are not supposed to take a photo of their client. If you find yourself in such a situation, trying to buy a car or anything else and the procedure seems strange to you, leave the place you are at and do not give any of your personal information.
05/06/2022 – Criminals invaded a lottery at dawn, in Av. São Francisco, in Vila Nova. The individuals cut local power to turn off the monitoring system, entered through the roof and made a hole in the side wall to access to the establishment. Nevertheless, the criminals were not able to rob anything since the alarm rang and brought the police. The police suspects that they escaped through the roof. It is the second time the owners of the same establishment face the same problem.
12/06/2022 – The Municipal Civil Guard of Santos (GCM) arrested a man red-handed after stealing a cell phone on the waterfront of Gonzaga. The action occurred on Sunday afternoon (12/06), when officers were informed by a citizen that the suspect fled quickly pedaling along the bike path, after stealing the cell phone from a couple who was on the beach.
18/06/2022 – A criminal invaded the house, in the morning, and robbed a credit card, R$ 700 cash and a R$ 3.500 bicycle, in Embaré neighborhood.
22/06/2022 – A man was filmed by the Operational Control Center cameras of Santos City Hall, climbing the façade of a bank, in Pedro II St., in the Center. The police arrested the criminal, who was trying to flee.
25/06/2022 – The body of a 22-year-old man was found in bairro Caneleira, in Santos, at night. According to the investigation, the victim was shot dead in Av. Francisco Ferreira Canto. His fists were tied.
- Be cautious when in the vicinity of Embaré, Ponto da Praia, Campo Grande, Rádio Clube, Downtown and Estuário.
- Be cautious at all times, including in areas perceived as safe.
- Avoid any display of wealth (jewelry, mobile phones), but always carry a small amount of money (R$50) to hand over to muggers if attacked.
- In case of robbery: cooperate, do not try to run after the assailant as they might be armed or resort to violence.
- In case of kidnapping:
- Cooperate in order to mitigate the risk of violence, and do not lie or provide false information to your kidnappers.
- Bear in mind that the vast majority of kidnappings are financially motivated, and that negotiation may be lengthy.