22/07/2022 – The security guard at a bakery located in Antônio Rodrigues Guimarães St., in the Jardim Castelo neighborhood, in the Northwest Zone, was shot at close range in the morning. The criminal, who was looking for a gun, thought the victim was a police officer and wanted to take the one he supposedly had with him.
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31/07/2022 – The Santos Municipal Civil Guard (GCM) arrested two men after attempting to steal wires at the Paulo Gomes Barbosa School, in Jabaquara. Patrolling agents were called by the Operational Control Center (CCO) after cameras caught the two individuals. The guards managed to surprise the criminals as they forced a light box from the unit.
01/08/2022 – A man was arrested and a teenager apprehended after stealing cell phones and a bicycle on Embaré beach. They attacked the victims with punches and kicks. Officers were patrolling when they were warned by the victims about the five boys. The officers looked for the criminals but only managed to capture two.
09/08/2022 – Agents of the Santos Municipal Civil Guard (GCM), who operate the cameras, observed three young people in a suspicious attitude, close to the gymnastics equipment, located on the sand strip, on Avenida Presidente Wilson, in Pompeia. They warned teams close to the scene that managed to arrest the youths and seized cocaine, marijuana, and money.
14/08/2022 – Civil Police is investigating an attempted robbery that took place on Adolfo Lutz Street, in Ponta da Praia. A 58-year-old woman was parking the car in front of her house, when she was approached by criminals. One of them pulled her purse through the car window, but the woman reacted by holding her belongings. With the victim’s resistance, the thief hit her head with the gun’s butt, which caused the gun to accidentally fire, hitting the roof of the vehicle.
17/08/2022 – A couple of criminals stole the jewelry from a woman who was walking with a baby stroller, on Ivampa Lisboa Street, in the Boqueirão neighborhood. The duo arrives, each on a bicycle. With nowhere to go, the girl takes a ring off her finger and gives it to one of them – who puts it in his mouth. Then the other pulls the chain that was around the victim’s neck. Then they both flee, each in a different direction.
22/08/2022 – A man was found dead in the Caneleira neighborhood. Civil Police are investigating the case, which is one of the series of executions that have taken place in the Baixada Santista region since July. The man’s body was located on Avenida Francisco Ferreira Canto by a Military Police team that was routinely patrolling. The victim was identified as a civil police officer.
24/08/2022 – A 67-year-old retired teacher fell for the ‘gift scam’ and lost more than R$24,000. The victim said that the delivery man had a gift, just on her birthday. He said she would know who had sent it after she had paid a delivery fee. According to the victim, the man said that after paying a fee of R$ 8.90 – which could not be paid in cash – the machine would show who made the shipment. Two transactions were carried out by criminals on one of the cards in the amounts of R$ 3,999.99 and R$ 4,999.99. On the other card, they were able to make three purchases of R$ 8,999.99; R$ 4,999.99; and R$ 1,010, totaling R$ 24,009.96.
- Be cautious when in the vicinity of Embaré, Ponto da Praia, Campo Grande, Rádio Clube, Downtown and Estuário.
- Be cautious at all times, including in areas perceived as safe.
- Avoid any display of wealth (jewelry, mobile phones), but always carry a small amount of money (R$50) to hand over to muggers if attacked.
- In case of robbery: cooperate, do not try to run after the assailant as they might be armed or resort to violence.
- In case of kidnapping:
- Cooperate in order to mitigate the risk of violence, and do not lie or provide false information to your kidnappers.
- Bear in mind that the vast majority of kidnappings are financially motivated, and that negotiation may be lengthy.