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01/06/2022 – A man was arrested in Rio das Ostras for kidnapping a family in Jardim Vitória neighborhood, Macaé. According to the report, a couple and their daughter were approached by criminals who took the family and their vehicle. While being held hostage, the victims were forced to make bank transfers via Pix, until they reached the Cantagalo neighborhood, in Rio das Ostras, where they were left.
08/06/2022 – Two cases of express kidnappings committed by the same criminal were recorded. The first case took place in Alto Cajueiros neighborhood, where a student was held up while getting out of her vehicle, the victim was forced to withdraw money at two ATMs in the city center under the threat of a firearm. Soon after, the criminal continued driving to Sol y Mar neighborhood, where, when he found a woman on the phone, he announced the kidnapping, thus abandoning the first victim. With the woman, he passed the same ATMs again, the first victim managed to follow them and reported the crime to guards who were nearby. The criminal managed to escape leaving the second victim.
11/06/2022 – Two men were shot and arrested by the Military Police (PM) after committing a series of robberies in the São José do Barreto neighborhood. At least eight people were robbed by the duo.
15/06/2022 – A van with teams from the Institutional Security Office (GSI), responsible for the security of governor Cláudio Castro, was shot in the Nova Holanda community. The governor was not in the car. The team was the forerunner, that is, assigned to assess the site before the governor arrived. The vehicle was intercepted by criminals after the GPS indicated a wrong street. A security guard was shot in the hand during an intense shooting and was taken to the hospital.
18/06/2022 – Military Police arrested a man after a theft in a construction materials’ store in Barreto neighborhood. Agents were patrolling when they received information about the crime and went to the scene. The owner of the establishment was called, and the criminal sent to the police station.
28/06/2022 – A man identified as responsible for guarding the criminal group’s weapons was arrested by Military Police in Malvinas neighborhood. Agents from the Tactical Actions Group (GAT) were informed that the man would be at his residence with the material belonging to the group.
- After dark, avoid Glória and the Centro (Downtown).
- After dark, avoid walking alone in Praia Campista and Cavaleiros.
- Avoid Lagomar, Barra de Macaé, Engenho da Praia, Planalto da Ajuda, Ajuda de Cima, Ajuda, Morro de Santana and Morro de São Jorge (in Paraíso), Jardim Maringá, Barra, Nova Holanda, Malvinas, Botafogo, Aroeira, Parque Aeroporto and the surroundings of Favela da Linha (in between Visconde de Araújo and Cajueiros), as risks of collateral damage and assault are high in these areas.
- As much as possible, restrict movement in the districts of Novo Horizonte (in Vale Encantado) and Aeroporto. Do not walk alone in these areas and use only licensed taxis.
- Be always cautious, including in areas perceived as safe.
- Avoid any display of wealth (jewelry, cell phones), but always carry a small amount of money (R$50) to hand.