On Thursday (04/05), the Federal Police launched an operation to arrest people who did not re-register firearms within the deadline, which ended on Wednesday (03/05) – and who, in addition, have pending arrest warrants for violent crimes or child support debts.
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According to the Federal Police (PF), people with this type of arrest warrant could not even have access to firearms – and to make matters worse, now they also do not have legal possession of these weapons. Rede Globo found that the PF would also focus on unrenewed registrations of people with large arsenals and large-caliber weapons.
According to the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, from now on the Federal Police will go after everyone who has not complied with the determination to re-register the weapons. Operations, however, must be divided to meet priorities.
The Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, disclosed, on Thursday (04/05), that 939,154 guns were registered in the Federal Police system until Wednesday (03/05), 23:59, when the period given by the government for the re-registration of weapons – registered in the Army’s Sigma system – expired. That represents 99% of the registered weapons. From now on, the government works with a single register – the National Weapons System (Sinarm), under Federal Police control.
Our Analysis:
The registration program was announced by the Lula government in February this year. The objective is to establish control over the arsenal in circulation in the country, since the number of weapons in circulation in Brazil has grown in recent years due to the policy of encouraging and facilitating purchases adopted during the government of former President Jair Bolsonaro. The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, had already announced that anyone who fails to re-register could have their firearm seized and could still be liable for crimes of possession and illegal possession of a firearm. It is therefore the first measure aimed at hindering and reducing the circulation of firearms in the country, which was a campaign promise made by Lula. However, the re-registration of weapons does not extinguish the need for the owner to meet the specific requirements to buy, keep weapons at home, transport these weapons or carry them in public areas, for example. And since the existence of an arrest warrant violates the suitability requirement for obtaining the possession of a firearm, the Federal Police are adopting precautionary measures for the seizure of weapons and documents found, for a subsequent process of revocation of possession or registration of firearm, in addition to communicating to the Brazilian Army, for the revocation of authorizations granted to Hunters, Shooters and Collectors (CACs).
Source: G1