12/10/2022 – A 25-year-old man was shot dead on Rua Beira Rio, in the Bracuí neighborhood. Military police went to the address to verify a possible homicide. When they got there, the young man was lying on the ground, already lifeless. Nine detonated cases and a cell phone were found near his body.
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14/10/2022 – A homeless person was beaten to death on Avenida Almirante Jair Carneiro Toscando de Brito, in the Balneário neighborhood. According to the Military Police, the man was found lying on the ground. And his body, especially his head, showed signs of beatings.
17/10/2022 – Two criminals involved in drug trafficking died after a shooting with military policemen on Rua Leontino Antônio de Souza, in the Água Santa neighborhood. According to the Military Police, officers were patrolling the address when they found several barricades around the place. As they approached, they were shot at and retaliated. According to the PM, when the shooting ended, the two criminals were found lying on the ground. With them, marijuana, cocaine, four communicators and a revolver were seized.
19/10/2022 – The Military Police seized drugs in Morro da Carioca, downtown Angra dos Reis, after a shooting with drug dealers. Police officers went to the scene to investigate a complaint received by the Disque-Denúncia. In all, 202 pins of cocaine, 13 strips of marijuana and a communication radio were seized. Nobody was hurt. The criminals fled.