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Disque-Denuncia, a service for anonymously reporting crimes, released the balance of records made in the first half of this year. Angra dos Reis is the city with the most records in the southern region of the state of Rio. The city recorded 464 complaints between January and June. The most reported issues are drug trafficking (167), animal abuse (51) and irregular construction (30).
09/08/2022 – A man suspected of involvement with drug trafficking died during a shooting with police in Morro do Carmo, Angra dos Reis’ central region. According to the Civil Police, officers went to the place to check a complaint about drug sale in alleys and staircases in the community. As soon as they arrived, they were met with shots. A 27-year-old man was shot and died. The others managed to flee towards a forested area in the community.
08/08/2022 – Two young men, one 19 and the other 28, were arrested for gang rape against three minors. The crime took place in February this year. At the time, they would have induced the girls to drink alcohol and then practiced the abuse. The case was reported by the mothers of two of the victims.