On Monday (09/01), protests for democracy took place in several cities across the country, such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Florianópolis, Brasília, Natal, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and others. The acts were a response to the attacks carried out by supporters of former President Bolsonaro who invaded and vandalized, on Sunday (8), the National Congress, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the Planalto Palace, in Brasília. The acts were convened by the Frente Povo Sem Medo, Frente Brasil Popular and Frente Coalisão Negra por Direitos, political parties, and labor unions.
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São Paulo
In São Paulo thousands of demonstrators gathered in Paulista Ave., São Paulo downtown area, in front of SãoPaulo Museum of Art (MASP). This act was also promoted by organized fans of the main São Paulo teams, Corinthians, Palmeiras, Santos and São Paulo, also participated in the protest.
No Amnesty
In São Paulo, where one of the biggest acts took place, protesters began to arrive at the scene around 17:00 and chanted “no amnesty and no pardon, we want Bolsonaro in prison”. The group formed by oppositionists of the former administration blame the last president and his political allies for the attacks that took place in the country capital. Thus, they believe that Bolsonaro and other politicians connected to him must be arrested for the event that happened in Brasília.