Left-wing social movements confirmed on Wednesday (27/07) two dates in which they will promote marches and demonstrations against the current Federal Government. The demonstrations are a continuous campaign called “Fora Bolsonaro”. The first event will take place on August 11th. This event was scheduled to take place on August 6th, but it was moved to the new date to coincide with the date of the release of manifestos against what the groups call Bolsonaro’s attacks on electronic voting machines and the Brazilian electoral system.
The Campaign
The campaign is made up of several social movements, such as Povo sem Medo, Brasil Popular and the Coalizão Negra por Direitos, which brings together hundreds of entities, including the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto (MTST), Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (MST), União Nacional dos Estudantes (UNE), Central de Movementos Populares (CMP) and Uneafro Brasil. Left parties such as PT, PSOL and PC do B are also part of the campaign.
The New Motto
Previously, the campaign used to demand the impeachment of the President. However, now, its motto is the defense of democracy and free elections, against political violence. Resistance to Bolsonaro’s criticisms to the electoral system and accusations of electoral fraud took shape in two manifestos that will be read at ceremonies scheduled for August 11th, at the Law School from the São Paulo University (USP), in downtown São Paulo. The first of them was published on the institution’s webpage on Tuesday (26/07), and it was created by USP former students. The other manifesto is the result of an articulation of business entities, the main one being the São Paulo State Industries Federation (Fiesp. This second document is now scheduled to be published in the country’s main newspapers also on August 11th, and its content is still being revised.
Locations and Time
The locations and times of the demonstrations will be announced later.