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On Tuesday (02/08), left-wing social movements announced the dates and locations in which they will promote marches and demonstrations against the current Federal Government in August and in September. The demonstrations are a continuous campaign called “Fora Bolsonaro”. In August two events will take place on the 11th and on the 13th. September has also two events planned, one for the 7th and another for the 10th.
Acts in August
On August 11th, the “National Mobilization in Defense of Democracy and Free Elections” will be held, organized by the Centrla Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), trade union centrals, popular movements, political parties, students and other civil society entities. The demonstrations will be promoted across the country. So far, acts have been confirmed in:
- Sao Paulo – At 11h, the Letter to Brazilians in defense of the Democratic State of Law will be read at the USP Law School. Also in São Paulo, at 9h and 17h, mass acts will be held in front of the Masp, on Avenida Paulista
- Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro – Candelária, at 16h
- Federal District – Brasília – At 15h, there is an act at the National Congress
- Amazonas – Manaus – Praça da Saudade, at 15h
- Bahia – Salvador – Campo Grande Square, at 9h
- Ceará – Fortaleza – Praça da Bandeira, at 9h; Gentilândia, at 16h; and Student House at 19h
- Goiás – Goiânia – University Square, at 17h
- Maranhão – São Luiz – Praça Deodoro, at 16h
- Mato Grosso do Sul – Campo Grande – City Hall, at 10h
- Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte – Afonso Arinos Square, at 17h
- Paraíba – João Pessoa – Lyceu Paraibano, at 14h
- Paraná – Curitiba – Santos Andrade Square, at 15h30
- Pernambuco – Recife – Rua da Aurora, at 15h
- Rio Grande do Norte – Natal – Midway Mall, at 14h30
- Santa Catarina – Florianópolis – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), at 10h
In São Paulo, before, on the same day, the Carta às brasileiras e aos brasileiros em defesa do Estado Democrático de Direito! (Letter to Brazilians in Defense of the Democratic State of Law!), will be read at 11h. CUT will take part in the act at USP.
On August 13th, left-wing groups will promote acts across the country against hunger, poverty, the labor reform and violence against women. The locations will still be announced.
Acts in September
The acts in September will still have locations and time defined.
The Campaign
In addition to CUT, the campaign is organized by several other social movements, such as Povo sem Medo, Brasil Popular and the Coalizão Negra por Direitos, which brings together hundreds of entities, including the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto (MTST), Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (MST), União Nacional dos Estudantes (UNE), Central de Movementos Populares (CMP) and Uneafro Brasil. Left parties such as PT, PSOL and PC do B are also part of the campaign.