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On Tuesday (26/07), the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Law School released a manifesto called “Carta às brasileiras e aos brasileiros em defesa do Estado Democrático de Direito!” (Letter to Brazilians in defense of the Democratic Rule of Law!). According to its creators, the objective is to defend democracy and the electoral process. The manifesto was motivated by consecutive criticisms by President Jair Bolsonaro against the electronic voting machines and the Brazilian electoral system. Currently, the letter has already 635,000 signatures.
Artists, celebrities, politicians, businessmen and former ministers have signed the letter and supported the movement. Singers Chico Buarque, Gal Costa, Zélia Duncan, Maria Bethânia and Frejat are among them. The writers and Associação Brasileira de Letras (ABL) members Nélida Piñon and Fernanda Montenegro also took part in the movement. In addition, 12 former Supreme Court (STF) ministers signed the document, including Ellen Gracie, Joaquim Barbosa, Francisco Resek and Nelson Jobim. Among the entrepreneurs are Suzano President Walter Schalka, former Itaú President Roberto Setúbal, Standard Bank CEO Natália Dias; Itaú Unibanco board of directors’ chairman Pedro Moreira Salles, former BNDES President Pérsio Arida, among others.
Main Reason
The letter says that recent “baseless attacks unaccompanied by evidence question the fairness of the electoral process and the democratic rule of law so hard won by Brazilian society.”
A Second Manifesto
The Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (Fiesp) prepares its own manifesto in defense of democracy, with the signature of business associations and civil society members. The text, still under preparation, will be published in national newspapers and read on August 11th, at the USP Law School, in the College’s Noble Hall.
On Wednesday (27/07), the Federação Brasileira de Bancos (Febraban) reported that it decided to sign the Fiesp document, called “In Defense of Democracy and Justice”.
On Thursday (28/07), the Confederação Nacional das Indústrias (CNI) said that it dialogues with members of all political parties and will not sign the manifesto in defense of the Brazilian electoral system prepared by Fiesp.
The President Reacts
On Thursday (28/07), President Jair Bolsonaro said that the manifesto for democracy being endorsed by Fiesp is a political note made in an election year and that the text is clearly against him. Bolsonaro also declared that for 3 years he has done nothing against democracy.