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Between January and April, 2023, the “Crossfire Institute” (Instituto Fogo Cruzado) informed that Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan area had a total of 1,182 shootings. The number represents a 2% increase when compared to the same period from 2022, when 1,161 shootings were recorded. However, despite the on-going gang war for territory that afflicted the city in the beginning of the year, the difference in total numbers was relatively small, 23, possibly indicating a scenario of stability so far.

In all, 766 people were shot during this period, of which 382 were killed and 384 were injured. Compared to the previous year, when 634 people were shot, 327 died and 307 were injured, the results represent a 17% increase in the number of deaths and 25% in the number of individuals injured.

The number of shootings during police actions/operations increased by 22%. In 2023, 449 firefights occurred as the result of police operations, while in 2022, this total was 369. Operations are carried out to repress criminal actions, and prevent violent clashes, or serve warrants.

March – A Tense Month

The final month of the first quarter of 2023 was extremely affected by a gang war between the militias and the Red Command (CV), particularly in neighborhoods located in the city West Zone, like Gardênia Azul, Cidade de Deus, Rio das Pedras, Anil, Curicica, Praça Seca, Itanhangá, Freguesia. In this period, 381 shootouts were recorded, 120 people were killed, and 93 injured.

April – A Little Relief

When compared to the number of incidents reported in March, April had 31% less shootouts, 27% less deaths, and 2% less people injured.

In April, there were 264 shootouts in Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region, according to data disclosed by the “Crossfire Institute”. The total represents a 10% reduction in armed clashes, when compared to the same period of 2022, which had 294 shootouts.

However, the lethality of the conflicts was higher this year. In April 2022, 140 people were shot, 65 were killed and 75 injured. Meanwhile, in the same month of 2023, 179 were hit, 88 died and 91 were injured.

Shootout per City

Among the cities monitored in the metropolitan region, those most affected by armed violence in April were:

  • Rio de Janeiro: 172 shootings, 47 dead and 54 injured
  • Duque de Caxias: 17 shootings, 9 dead and 8 wounded
  • Nova Iguaçu: 15 shootings, 10 dead and 3 injured
  • São Gonçalo: 12 shootings, 5 dead and 5 wounded
  • São João de Meriti: 11 shootings, 2 dead and 2 wounded
  • Belford Roxo: 10 shootings, 8 dead and 5 wounded

Shootout per Neighborhood

The neighborhoods with the highest number of shootouts are: Praça Seca, Vila Kennedy, Cascadura, Cidade de Deus, Bangu. They are marked by the red circles.

Among the neighborhoods in the metropolitan area, the most affected during the last month were:

  • Praça Seca: 15 shootings, 2 dead and 6 injured
  • Vila Kennedy: 10 shootings and 1 death
  • Cascadura: 8 shootings and 2 wounded
  • Cidade de Deus: 8 shootings, 2 dead and 2 injured
  • Bangu: 6 shootings, 4 dead and 1 injured

Source: Instituto Fogo Cruzado [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6].

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