The central area of São Paulo continues to display a troubled scenario with several episodes of violence and property crimes. The main factor behind this is the nomadic group of hundreds of addicted people that form the Cracolândia, which the government has been uncapable of dispersing, despite several police operations. However, many other issues have appeared lately, such as gangs focused on committing property crimes.
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The Gangs
During the month, in an attempt to improve the conditions of the city’s central region, the Civil Police carried out operations to arrest suspects of belonging to two gangs. On Wednesday (13/09), eight people suspected of being part of the so-called bicycle and “glass-breaker” gangs were arrested.
These criminal groups, which operate in the central area of São Paulo, steal cell phones from pedestrians and also from inside vehicles. After the crime, the stolen device is handed over to other members of the gang, who are responsible for accessing banking applications and raiding the victims’ accounts, according to the SSP (Secretariat of Public Security). Then the cell phones are sold to third parties.
The bicycle gang preferably targets pedestrians, looking for bags, wallets and cell phones. Meanwhile, the members of the “glass breakers” gang target the cars. They take advantage of moments when cars are stopped in traffic jams or at traffic lights and use stones, pieces of iron or other types of material to break vehicle windows and steal cell phones and other belongings. One of the points where this group operates is Baixada do Glicério, also downtown.
In August, eight suspects had already been arrested in the same investigation. For this new phase, two apartments in the same building were searched. In one of the apartments, the police seized 11 cell, computers and card machines. In another apartment, which was empty, investigators seized portions of marijuana, hashish and cocaine, as well as ammunition and a grenade.
Operation Against Drug Trafficking in Cracolândia
Another persisting security problem in the central area is the “Cracolândia”, which now is moving around the Santa Ifigênia neighborhood. Previously static, the crowd of addicted people, small drug dealers and other criminals are creating more problems by moving from time to time to different streets. The phenomenon has led to increases in thefts and robberies, depredation of public and private assets, deaths, protests, and consecutive police operations, affecting the local commerce and disturbing the routine of residents.
On 13 and 14 August, two police actions were promoted to repress the drug trafficking and consumption in the location. Law enforcement is now attempting to arrest drug dealers and criminal leaders. During the action, 11 people were arrested.
The police state that, in total, R$21,000 in cash, 378 rocks of crack, 228 portions of cocaine, 212 portions of K9 – artificial marijuana – and 192 portions of marijuana were seized, in addition to a brick of marijuana, five scales, seven cell phones and a 9 mm pistol.
Attacks Against the Video Surveillance System
Besides the police operations, authorities have attempted to implement smart cameras to collect intel from the area and surveil it for ongoing crimes. The project is called Smart Sampa, it uses facial recognition cameras that were installed in the neighborhoods of Santa Ifigênia and Campos Elíseos. However, people connected to organized crime in the area and thieves started to attack and destroy the devices. So far, at least 11 have been damaged. The vandals climb the poles — which are about two meters high — and remove the devices with blows and punches.
143 “Cracolândias”
According to a document prepared by São Paulo state government, the famous “Cracolândia” in the central area is not alone. There are 143 concentrations of addicts and small drug dealers at open air spread across the state. The information is contained in the 2024-2027 Multi-Year Plan sent to the Legislative Assembly (Alesp). Nonetheless, the text does not detail where they are located or what size each one is. According to the document, the intention is to reduce “cracolândias” gradually throughout the administration. There would be 129 points of drug use in 2024, 116 in 2025 and 104 in 2026, the last year of the Tarcísio administration.