On Friday (04/08), the Federal Police carried out a search and seizure warrant against a security guard from Belém (PA) suspected of spreading images with threats against President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) on social networks. The suspect was not the only one arrested in a security operation to safeguard Lula’s passage into the North region during an official trip. He traveled to the North region on Friday (04/08). The North region concentrates pockets of political resistance against President Lula, which are the result, among other factors, of the political division still alive in the country.
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Lula traveled to the North region on Friday (04/08). This week, the president will meet with heads of state from neighboring countries at the Amazon Summit, from 8 to 9 August, in Belém.
Another Suspect
At the end of Thursday afternoon (03/08), the Federal Police arrested a farmer from Pará suspected of having threatened to “shoot” President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who will visit the State in the coming days. The prison was in Santarém. According to people familiar with the investigation, Arilson Strapasson even tried to find out which hotel Lula will be staying in in Santarém. The farmer is also seen as a man linked to land grabbing and mining.
Upon being found by the PF this Thursday, the suspect told the police that he would have participated in the acts of January 8, in Brasília, and that he would have invaded the green room of the Chamber of Deputies. According to the man himself, he would have participated in the demonstrations in front of the 8th Construction Engineering Battalion located in the city of Santarém for 60 uninterrupted days and which even financed the demonstration with R$1,000 every day.