During the past week, data was not updated by the Health Secretaries National Council (Conass) and the Health Ministry about Covid cases and deaths in Brazil. The latest information available showed that during the 209th (07 to 13 January) epidemiological week, the number of new COVID-19 confirmed cases in Brazil decreased by 40.4% when compared to the 209th (24 to 30 December) week. In terms of deaths of patients with Covid-19, cases decreased by 31.29%.
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According to the latest information released by the Brazilian Health Ministry webpage, on Monday (15/01) at 09:52, 172 million second doses, and 5.054 million single doses have been given. The results show that a total of 85.13% of people were fully vaccinated. Brazil has approximately 203 million citizens, according to IBGE. Worldwide, data from 12 November indicates that 64.91% (5.18 billion) of people are fully vaccinated. Below, is the graph with Brazil and other nations.