According to data released by the Health Secretaries National Council (Conass) and the Health Ministry about Covid cases and deaths in Brazil during the 183rd (2 to 8 July) epidemiological week, the number of new Covid-19 confirmed cases in Brazil decreased by 8.84% when compared to the 182nd (25 June to 1 July) week. In terms of deaths of patients with Covid-19, cases decreased by 17.43%.
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According to the latest information released by the Brazilian Health Ministry webpage, on Sunday (16/07) at 15:05, 166 million second doses, and 5.053 million single doses have been given. The results represent a total of people fully vaccinated or 84.71% of its total population. Brazil has approximately 203 million citizens, according to IBGE. Worldwide, data from 16 July indicates that 64.67% (5.16 billion) of people are fully vaccinated. Below, the graph with Brazil and other nations.