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In 2023, Brazil faced a series of significant events across various sectors, ranging from political upheavals to security crises and social challenges. In January 2023, Brazil experienced a significant political upheaval when supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro invaded the Three Powers Square, in the capital. The former president also faced legal consequences, being condemned, and declared ineligible for eight years by the Superior Electoral Court. The political landscape further strained as tensions escalated between Congress and the Supreme Federal Court. In addition to President Lula’s efforts to build a broad congressional alliance faced challenges, with legislative rejections impacting key projects. The year also had security crises in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro, which were marked by waves of violence and special law enforcement operations in response. The year also saw an increase in crimes in some areas of São Paulo city, due to drug abuses and an increase of homicides during police actions to fight drug trafficking in the state. In addition, violence in the Amazon region, linked to the presence of criminal groups, raised international concerns. Additionally, violence in schools’ broke records. Another category of crime that stood out this year was that of digital crimes, particularly banking scams. All of this highlighted the need for comprehensive measures and reforms.

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