22/12/2023 – Postman on duty has been assaulted by 5 bandits, in Jardim Casablanca, South SP. The agent was on his delivery tour when the criminals announced the robbery and emptied the car of all the packages to be delivered. Nobody has been arrested.
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23/12/2023 – An anonymous call led the police to seize 18 submachine guns in Paraisópolis, South SP. The officers went to an open sky parking to control two armoured cars. In one, they found 18 rifles, drugs, tactical gears, and ammunitions. Nobody has been arrested.
25/12/2023 – 19yo motorcyclist died in Brasilândia, North SP, after being injured by a modified kite string. He and his girlfriend were passing by a frequented avenue when was injured at the neck by a “cerol”, a modified kite string with glue and smashed glass and marble. He died on the spot. His girlfriend suffered light wounds.
25/12/2023 – 7 inmates fled from the pre-trial detention centre in Tatuapé, East SP. They broke a fence, a door, and a window, surrendered a guard, and robbed his radio and his shoes. According to the SP public security secretary, the detainees were from the semi-open regime and as soon as they are arrested will go back to the closed detention regime.
26/12/2023 – 1yo baby girl has been shot in the face by PM with an airsoft gun in Itaim Paulista, East SP. Baby was on a motorcycle with her father when they drove by a police patrol car. One of the officers on board stopped the vehicle and shot once at the motorcycle, hitting the baby. Her family took her to the hospital where she had to pass on surgery to remove the bullet and to suture the wound. Investigation is in progress to find the police officer who shot and why he was wearing a gun that is not part of the official gear.
28/12/2023 – 43yo man has suffered a homicide attempt in front of a famous lounge bar in Casa Verde, North SP. The investigation pointed out that the victim had an argument the day before with a group of 4 men. The group left and returned to the bar and shot at the victim. He has been rescued and taken to the hospital. The victim died at the hospital.